Compliance Resources

APY Verification Tool

A Free Annual Percentage Yield program (APYWIN v2.1 - Release May 2009) offered by the OCC, is an efficient tool for verifying annual percentage yields pursuant to the Truth in Savings Act (12 U.S.C. 4301 et seq.) and its implementing regulation (Regulation DD, 12 CFR 230).

APR Calculation Tool

The Windows-based version of the Annual Percentage Rate program (APRWIN v6.2 - Released May 2008) is an efficient tool for verifying annual percentage rates and reimbursement adjustments. This version includes relevant finance charge and APR tolerances for verifying the accuracy of annual percentage rates and finance charges on loans secured by real estate or a dwelling.

Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering InfoBase

FFIEC InfoBase
The "FFIEC InfoBase" concept was developed by the FFIEC’s Task Force on Examiner Education to provide field examiners at the financial institution regulatory agencies with an electronic source for training and distributing needed examination information. Financial institutions will also benefit from this training and examination information.

Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)

FinCEN’s BOI Webpage

The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has updated its Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) Frequently Asked Questions, Small Entity Compliance Guide, quick reference materials, and informational video. These guidance materials are constantly changing.  This link takes you to the resources provided by FinCEN.

Bank Secrecy Act Examination Program

FDIC Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Tools
BSA compliance is a safety and soundness issue due to the reputational, regulatory, legal, and financial risk exposure to a bank involved in money laundering schemes or willfully violating the BSA statute. Civil money penalties and regulatory enforcement actions may be imposed for noncompliance with money laundering regulations which can endanger the bank's capital and earnings. Furthermore, banks may be criminally prosecuted for willful violations of money laundering statutes that could ultimately lead to termination of FDIC insurance.

FFIEC IT Handbook InfoBase

FFIEC IT Handbook InfoBase
Prompt delivery of introductory, reference and educational training material on specific topics of interest to field examiners from FFIEC members. The IT Examination Handbook InfoBase Home page provides users with access to IT booklets, IT workprograms, Laws, Regulations, & Guidance, and References.


United States Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network |
FinCEN, is the US Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network whose mission is the safeguard the financial system.