Peachy Posts 11/29/23

CBA Today eNewsletter, Peachy Posts,

Exchange Bank, Milledgeville, contributed $10,000 to the Jones County School System through the PEACH Education Tax Credit Program. This program allows Georgia taxpayers to support public education and students while receiving a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit. We hope other businesses will join us in supporting local education.

Georgia Banking Company, Atlanta, recently hosted a grand opening for the bank’s new Garden Hills office.

Pineland Bank, Alma, recently held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the grand opening of their train depot which was originally built in 1906.  In the 1930’s a portion of the depot was used to operate what was then Alma Exchange Credit Union that later became Alma Exchange Bank in 1939.  Pineland Bank purchased the depot from the railroad, 45 years ago.  The remodeled depot will be used by the bank for meetings.

Moultrie Bank & Trust is featured in this month’s issue of Independent Banker magazine.  The bank opened in 2022 outside of a large metropolitan area and already has more than 400 investors and $21 million in capital. The feature shares how they did it.  Read the article.  

Christian Ruppe, SVP & Chief Innovation Officer at Colony Bank explains how Colony Bank is using the latest technology to combat fraud.  View video.